USPA Elections - Get Out and Vote

Well People it is that time of the year again, we will be bombarded with election choices and ad campaigns. The cool part about all of this is that we also get to vote on a topic that effects our sport. It is time for us USPA members to log in and choose the new governing body of the USPA. 
So, Why is this important? Every three years we have a chance to make changes or keep the structure that we are accustom to in place. This year it is critical that all of us make our voices heard. With the Federal government trying to make changes to the FAA and many other local and state governments trying to inhibit the ability of our sport to grow and cultivate itself, we must make sure that we have a board that is striving to keep pushing forward against negative regulation changes that in turn could harm the sport. 


I am based out of the Northeast so I am only able to vote for National and NE region 
I am sharing my Choice but I advise to take a look at all of the Prospects and make your own informed decision!
Thank You for reading go make your voice heard!!
Link to USPA 

North East Director 

Shauna Finley

Eastern (EA) Regional Director
USPA Member # 272080, D-34907


National Director 

Rich Winstock

Age: 50

Profession: Drop zone owner, pilot

Year Joined: 1995

Total Jumps: 15,162

Jumps Past Year: 200

Licenses: D-19054

Ratings and Appointments: AFFIE, TIE, CE, S&TA, PRO

Awards: 2,000-Jump Wings, 24-Hour Freefall Badge

"I was honored to represent the USPA members as a national director for five years. During that time collectively, the board was able to address numerous topics and issues that were pertinent to the future of skydiving. I believe in working as a team, to represent the members of the USPA and to fight hard for what is in the best interest of the sport. If USPA starts to realize they represent the general membership and not necessarily their own best interest, headway will be made in the correct direction. I am an AFF IE, Tandem IE, Coach IE, S&TA, PRO-rated, commercial pilot, and have taken an active role in this sport for the last 27 years.

The USPA staff and all the previous board members have worked hard to see our sport not only continues to exist, but they have done their best to ensure the safety of our members. I wish only to join the team and assist where I can. To each member reading this, skydiving holds a special place in your heart. For me, it was a sport that was there when I needed it most. I just wish to allow future skydivers the same experience and opportunity."

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