Skydiving Safety - Skydiving Exit Order Explained
This article goes over some points explained in the above video, the full explanation will be found in the video. Enjoy!
The goal to have an exit order is to avoid to the maximum the risk of collision between skydivers. We need to make sure every skydivers or groups have their own airspace to play and open.
We manage to do that by allowing enough horizontal separation between skydivers or groups of skydivers.
We need to first explain the relative wind (caused by the plane speed and the air speed), because it makes skydivers drift from their initial exit point in their freefall. This means that they don’t fall straight down but they cover a horizontal distance as well. That drift is impacted by the fall rate of the skydivers or groups; a slower fall rate will cause the skydivers to be in the relative wind longer hence make them drift on a largest distance and vice-versa for faster fall rates.
How can we control the horizontal distance?
By considering the type of jumps and the group size.
Type of jumps
As an example, we know that belly flyers are falling at a slower rate than the freeflyers, so they will tend to drift more. We then want them to get out first to get away from the freeflyers in their freefall.
Another type of jump to consider are the ones that create movements like tracking, angle flying… Since they are moving a lot, we will want them to get away from the main jump run to avoid intersecting with other groups. It’s recommended to have no more than 2 movement groups per load and to make sure they both go on opposite side of the jump run.
The wingsuiters can be in a separate group since they are doing so much distance that they can get out later on the jump run and by the time they get to their opening height over the dropzone, most of the other skydivers are likely landed.
Groups size
The group size as an impact on the fall rate since with having many skydivers holding hands, they are creating a larger surface that slows down and drifts more.
Another good thing to consider in the exit order is the opening altitude. We will want skydivers who are pulling higher to get our Last.
Alright, so this chart provides a good recap of the video & article:
Disclaimer: This video and article is designed to provide useful information about skydiving. That being said, whatever information you find about skydiving on the internet, including on this website, should always be discussed and counter-verified with a certified instructor from your skydiving association, your dropzone and/or a rigger. Let’s all be wiser & safer skydivers!
About the Author:
Catherine Bernier is a skydiver based in Quebec, Canada and in order to go through the off-season while staying connected to her sport, she decided to start a brand new Youtube channel all about skydiving. From tips & tricks videos to interviews & gear reviews the channel brings a fresh place for skydivers to find useful information to become better & safer skydivers.
Check out the channel right here: http://bit.ly/SkydiveVibes-YT
Your video is accurate, thank you for making it.
Just one thing: in the “Groups Size” paragraph, it incorrectly states “We will want skydivers who are pulling higher to get our first”
Your video correctly states at 5:35 to have the higher pulling ones (students, tandems, etc) to get out later in the order.