I had the pleasure of meeting Jin this year during the Come and Take it boogie in Texas at Spaceland San Marcos. All I can say is wow. Jin is a POWER USER when it comes to life. From Free Diving in her home state of Hawaii to Skydiving around the globe and everything in between, Jin is crushing life. After you read this and trust me you should, make sure to check her out on instagram (jindtana).

Tell me who you are.
My name is Jindtana (Jin-tuh-nah), everyone calls me Jin. I’m a person who loves adventure, the outdoors, reading, and spending time with awesome people. I saved this question for last because I got really philosophical and wondered do I know who I am? But then got back down to earth on it. I think people who know me would say that I care a lot about others, I’m quick-witted and adventurous.
Smiles for days
What do you do for work?
I’m the Chief of Interpretation, Education, and Volunteers at Haleakala National Park. Essentially I manage all public facing visitor services from the website, social media, visitor centers, community outreach, education programs, exhibits and the volunteers or Park Rangers you encounter on the trail. I also do a lot of short term and long term planning for the park.
The Office, Not to bad it is it...
How did you become interested in skydiving?
I first did a tandem and it was kind of whatever. Felt like a roller coaster and I was just along for a ride. Then a few years later my friends all got a Groupon to go again. I had a friend who was really into skydiving and would constantly tell me about how much fun it was and that I should learn. When it came time to do my tandem he told me to ask my tandem instructor if I could pull and then steer the canopy. My instructor was game and once I took things a little more into my own hands I was hooked. I knew I should stop wasting my money on tandems and get licensed to do it on my own. One of the best decisions I ever made!
Send It
When did you start?
I started in November 2012. It was so hard to jump cause I worked at Zion National Park and my days off were during the week. Most times the planes would only run on the weekends but I stuck with it. I went through AFF at Skydive Zion and finished getting my A license at Skydive Mesquite.
Thick or Thin?
Thick, an obvious choice.
So buying this shirt!
What is your most memorable moment as a skydiver?
There’s so many moments but one favorite in particular was at the Mother of All Boogies. I was freshly B licensed and so excited to jump there. We had planned to do a capture the pull up cord fun jump and I was the one to start with the cord. We tumbled out and when I looked around all my friends had whipped out their own pull up cords and pranked me. It was so much fun. I feel like there’s few opportunities to surprise people in the sky, typically you don’t want the unknown but that moment was well executed and a lot of fun. We all landed and shared a lot of laughs about it. They got me good.
Love it
What is your favorite part of the skydiver life?
Hands down the people. The friendships I made have had a true impact on my life and I feel lucky to have friends who live all over the place. I love that in the skydiving community there’s something that ties us all together and the people this skydiving attracts are fun, adventurous, and living their lives to the fullest extent.
Always hanging around
What is your least favorite part of the lifestyle?
Blue Skies, Black Death. Over the years I’ve met some incredible people who have died, it’s always painful. Again and again I see skydivers try to find blame and rationalize that it’s a risk we all take doing what we love but I really question sometimes how real that risk feels for myself and others. In 2019, my friends and I were manifested for a load at Oahu Parachute Center, they switched our group at the last moment to the sunset load. The plane took off and immediately crashed. Eleven people, all vibrant and full of life, lost their lives that day. I took a lot of time off from the sport after this, I recently got back into it more but I’m even more aware of how palatable the consequences are in this sport.
Your thoughts on men in womens underwear?
It reveals a lot.
Right back at Ya!!!
Tell me about your shenanigans at boogies.
I love a good themed party and will go all out for it.
OHHHHH he can can BOOGIE!!!
Do You travel often?
Pre-pandemic times absolutely and I’m looking forward to doing some more traveling as life returns to normal. My first international trip will be to Costa Rica to celebrate my favorite skydiving couple’s honeymoon.
Hey, I'v been there
Spam and Eggs?
I would probably eat it but I prefer a spam masubi instead. Grilled spam, delicious sauce wrapped in seaweed on a tiny brick of rice. Definitely a favorite Hawaii snack.
Lookes fucking amazign
What's next for you and your adventures?
I have a double header freediving trip planned for next weekend. It includes island hoping, a shipwreck, sunken WWII plane, a volcanic crater, and really incredible swim throughs. I’m stoked and am hoping to mayyyybe hit a new personal record of 100 feet. (Currently my deepest freedive is 94 feet, I hit the sand and couldn’t go deeper.)
I know you free dive, Tell us a bit about that.
Freediving is essentially diving in the water just on one breath. You can dive deep or shallow, but you still only have one breath. I got into it right around the start of the pandemic and can static hold my breath in the water for 3 minutes and 20 seconds. When I’m actives moving in the water it’s less and depends on how much I’m kicking. I’ve always loved being in the water, I also had snorkeled and scuba dived a ton. I love freediving because you can just grab fins, weight belt and mask and just go. I love that it’s so much more quiet than scuba diving and you can really hear the sounds of the ocean. Whale season is the best, their songs are beautiful but almost so loud underwater you want to cover your ears. There’s also a fun physical and mental challenges of the sport.
As an added bonus, Luis Prinetto recently shared with me that you can practice skydiving moves underwater while freediving, it’s just much slower in the response. He’s totally right, movements are still the same and without access to a tunnel it’s the only place I get to practice on Maui since we don’t have a tunnel in Hawaii.
Photo By Michelle Drevlow
What's it like living in Hawaii?
I feel very grateful to be here. I love the sense of community, Hawaiian culture, and access to the outdoors. People here truly care about the land and that resonates with me. I also find myself surrounded by a lot of people who are truly happy with their lives and are extremely passionate about all the things they pursue. It’s very inspiring.
Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years?
I think it’s pretty impossible to plan 10 years out. So far what I think I’ll be doing compared to what actually goes down is drastically different that what I’ve imagined. But I do hope to see myself continuing to live a life I love, doing things I really enjoy and being surrounded by some incredible people.
Oh Yeah
A few weeks ago at the Come And Take it Boogie you were shredding with Carlye Barto, Tell me how was it.
Carlye is awesome. She’s always game for a jump and is extremely positive and motivating to be around. I know her well from my previous home DZ skydive Suffolk and was so stoked she was organizing at Come and Take It. Seeing her big smile in the air is definitely one of my favorite parts of jumping with her. She shreds and she’s shredded, what a babe.
Hey I took that Photo
What was your favorite boogie and why?
Tiki at Skydive New England. The people are awesome, the jumping is great, the bar they build and burn down is always a showstopper, and overall it’s just a super fun time.
Fun was had
Sweet or sour?
Sweet all the way, I’ve got a big sweet tooth.
I prefer sour...
What is the craziest thing you have done at a boogie?
I thought the rules about boogies is - what happens at a boogie, stays at a boogie…
Never mind a boogie, what's the craziest thing you've ever just done?...
Willing ran after and chased a black bear. (Did this for work.)
This is a balloon - Not a Bear
Favorite Movie?
This is such a tough question, but I think it’s either Inception or Interstellar.
Great movie We even have a Jersey with this
Pool or Beach?
Beach all the way.
I like the beach too!
Do you have any advice for a new skydiver?...
Have fun with it and take your time as you build up your skills.
Jin's always hanging around
Do you have any advice for anyone looking to progress in this sport?
Find some buddies who have the same goals in the sport as you and jump together often. Go to a skills camp and take advantage of the tunnel. Invest in each jump you make by actively building on the skill or progress you hope to gain.
That View
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to wingsuit?
Don’t land off. Kidding…
I want to know what she is thinking about
If you were a drink what would you be and why?
Gin Fizz
So many bubbles
Do you prefer the number 34 or 3?
Definitely 3, it’s my favorite number.
Fine then

Rad 😘