Sponsored by PussFoot....
Teams of 4 will compete for total number of points in predetermined formations on 3 jumps....
There will be medals awarded for first second and third place and Goofy prizes from a raffle.
Each team will consist of an A license B license C license and D license... This is a great way for people who are new to learn to fly with some experience jumpers.
Don't forget about the Hit & Chug at the end of the day and the potluck dinner.
There will also be a 6-way speed star competition for those who want to participate.
Cost for the event is $10 to cover the goofy prizes and medals.
Please RSVP with what you're going to bring for the potluck dinner...
If you've been to one of these events you know how much fun they are if you haven't it is a must that you attend you will have a great time.