Free Candy, Puppies and Stuff- #3 Alex and Rachel and their Eurovan ( BigBlu )

Whats up world?  I am super excited to bring you the second submission for Free Candy (Van Life). I really love seeing all of these amazing rides, it’s inspiring me to get off my chair and start my own build. This week i'm excited to Bring you Alex and Rachel’s Eurovan. Looking over the build I must say, wow this looks cozy. Alex and Rachel plan on spending a Year touring Europe with this beauty. Make sure to follow them on Facebook and Instagram to see pics from their adventure. As always if you have a van or camp spot that you would like to show the world, email us at

The Builders 

Alex and Rachel

Face Book



The Van 

Make - VW 

Year - 1992

Model - Eurovan T4

Mileage - 105k 

 I always wanted one 


Fun Facts

Our van is a 1992 Volkswagen T4, I believe you guys in the states call it a eurovan. We have named her BigBlu as you will see by the photos. We’ve had Blu for about 18 months. When we got her she was an empty minibus which is exactly what we wanted; a nice clean slate to start so we could see exactly what we were getting into. The build has taken us about the same time to get right and its still ongoing because when are these builds ever really finished. Neither of us had any experience in this kind of thing, myself being a mechanical engineer I’m quite hands on but its been a good learning curve.

 Happy Place 

The build has been incredible, the interior has turned out really well without many hitches, but my days its been some graft! We stopped counting the amount of hours we’ve put into it along time back but it has all worth it because every time we take her out we have the most incredible adventures. It hasn’t all been all plain sailing at all, last year we decided to drive to Poland from our native England but half way across Germany disaster struck when the van over heated after trying to fix a burst pipe and it turned out the head gasket had blown. The van was towed home and we continued our journey in a hire vehicle. We rebuilt the engine which threw up even more issues, and long story short #vanlife isn’t always as glamorous as Instagram shows! We’ve just fitted a brand new fully reconditioned engine so hopefully our mechanical problems are behind us.



             We aim to head off to Europe in late August/early September starting off in France meandering down into northern Spain and the west coast of Portugal then into southern Spain. Hopefully we will be stopping at some drop zones on our way as I want to jump in each country we visit, also going to try find some work on the packing mat in some places to gain experience and get involved in skydiving a lot more.

 Second star to the right 

The surfboard will be coming with us also as Rachel is starting to really enjoy the waves. When the winter comes around we will head into the mountains for a bit of skiing - a passion both of us have. We can’t wait for our adventure to start! Please take a look at the photos we have included, I hope you guys enjoy them and consider us for your article. Also let people know if they want to follow us check out @meyouandbigblu on Instagram

Thanks for reading!



The Pics 



 whats cooking


 Nap Time


 Rachel Chilling



Tomorrow isn't promised so take what you can today !!!!


Don't forget to follow Alex and Rachel on their European adventure.


If you have a Ride you would like to share please contact us @

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