DropZone of the Week: Malone Parachute Club

Sticking with our fall theme, this weeks DropZone of the week is the Malone Parachute Club Located in northern Vermont just south of the Canadian border. We promise that you will see some of the best foliage and crystal clear lakes while jumping this DropZone.  Not into fall scenery, well its just a short drive to Canada and Montreal and trust me you can find plenty of fun there.

                                        Vermont in October

Malone Parachute Club 

Name: Malone Parachute Club

Address: 629 Airport Rd, Highgate Center, VT 05459

Aircraft:  Super Cessna 182,

Phone Number: 888-567-3037

Web Site:  http://www.maloneparachuteclub.com/


Super Cessna 182 - $20 - $15 after 20 jumps

Heated hangar








Open weekends only !


That View 


If you would like to see your DropZone featured on PussFoot please let us know by emailing us at the address below. Don't forget to check out our full guides as well!
Email: Pussfootog@gmail.com


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