And the Winner Is... You Would of Never Guessed

We asked and you answered!   When the PussFoot community was polled for what would be their favorite accessory for a Zoo Dive they voted in the following order:

  1. Sexy Stuff
  2. Blowup Stuff
  3. Balls 
  4. Unsafe Stuff Like Foosball Tables 

Given we don't want to show up with just a bunch of dildos Team PussFoot has decided to show up with the following:

1 - Sexy Blowup Doll -- Specifically a Blowup Sex Sheep 

blowup sexy sheep

2 - Another Funny Blowup Toy -- We Couldn't Resist Buying a Dolphin (the horniest of all mammals)

We will bring these items to the T.S.K. / FlyEasy Boogie this weekend. So come by our tent and feel free to come make some shenanigans happen with the toys we are bringing.   Fly Baby Fly!  

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