Name: Robert Eaton
Branch of Military: U.S.Army
Status: Active
Years in Service: 16 years
Deployments: 6
Skydives: 2 FF / 86 Static
Ratings: Jumpmaster
Home DZ: Sicily Drop Zone - Fort Bragg
Fun Fact: I was recently an instructor at the US Army Airborne school for the last 3 years. Teaching Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, and Sailors how to jump from a high performance aircraft sometimes in as little as 8 training days. I love the rush of the prop blast, but always nervous until my feet are back on the ground once my chute opens.
Other Fun Facts:
Fav Plane- C-130
Thank You Robert for your service and dedication to this country! maybe you could show me what that 130 knts at 1000 AGL is like one day . Until then keep up the epic work and stay safe.
Blue Skies!
Here at Pussfoot we appreciate members of the armed forces. Many members of the skydive community are either active service members or veterans and we thought it would be great to honor them here on our page. We will be bringing you a bio every week of our featured "Freedom Flyers" with hopes that you learn something new and share in our appreciation of what these people do for our country.
If you are a military skydiver or know someone you feel should be featured on our wall Please Email our team @ Pussfootog@gmail.com
Thank You